Courts may be closed due to the COVID-19 outbreak but I am not.
Disputes are resolving through online mediation.
Here’s why:
Online dispute resolution (“DR”) is safer and less stressful than in-person DR, reducing threats from COVID-19, high-conflict personalities, or potential violence.
Participants can be located anywhere. Lawyers and their clients need not be in the same physical location. Sessions can happen anytime.
The online platform I use most often is Zoom. We can use other platforms such as WebEx, Blue Jeans, Microsoft Teams, et al. In my opinion, Zoom is secure if participants follow the online protocols that I offer at the bottom of this page.
Parties and counsel and are able to “meet” jointly and separately in caucus. I can create as many “breakout” rooms as needed, assigning and exchanging participants flexibly.
Documents and other supporting materials can be shared.
There is no additional cost for mediation and arbitration participants.
Documents can be securely signed electronically and remotely.
Party participants appreciate the convenience of online DR. Everyone saves time and money.
Here’s what’s needed for an effective online DR process:
A stable & secure internet connection. In order to protect confidentiality and privacy, parties are prohibited from using public WiFi connections.
An interruption-free zone where you can focus on the process and no one can overhear you.
A computer or tablet with a large screen (a smartphone will work but the larger the screen, the better). Or you can call into the mediation / arbitration if you cannot access a computer with a camera.
I have Online Mediation Protocols that will be made part of the mediation engagement, a copy of which is available here.
Call or email for more information: 410-608-2463.